Van Wyk Van Heerden Attorneys

Die einde van 2018 het aangebreek en soos met alles wat tot ʼn einde kom, kyk ons terug na dit wat verby is.  Ons het dit dus goedgedink om ʼn kort opsomming vir u te gee van die belangrike onderwerpe wat gedurende die jaar aangeraak is.

CIPC jaarlikse opgawes

In terme van Artikel 33 van die Maatskappy Wet No. 71 van 2008 (“die Wet”), word daar van alle maatskappye en beslote korporasies vereis om jaarlikse opgawes by die “Companies and Intellectual Property Commission” (“CIPC”) in te dien.

Die doel van die jaarlikse CIPC-opgawe is om te bevestig dat:

  • ʼn entiteit nog in besigheid is;
  • ʼn entiteit handeldryf; en
  • ʼn entiteit in die nabye toekoms nog in besigheid en handeldrywend gaan wees.

Jaarlikse opgawes kan slegs elektronies op die CIPC se webtuiste ingedien word en binne die volgende voorgeskrewe tydperke. In die geval waar ʼn entiteit dormant is, word daar steeds van die entiteit verwag om ʼn jaarlikse opgawe by die CIPC in te dien ten einde deregistrasie te vermy.

Pligte en verantwoordelikhede van direkteure

In terme van die Wet, het ʼn direkteur gemeenregtelike fidusiêre pligte waarvan goedertrou een is.  Dit word verwag van ʼn direkteur dat hy/sy te alle tye in die beste belang van die maatskappy sal optree en nie enige inligting wat bekom word weens sy/haar amp vir eie gewin sal gebruik nie.

Buiten die gemeenregtelike pligte en verantwoordelikhede van ʼn direkteur, maak Artikel 75 en Artikel 76 van die Wet ook voorsiening vir die pligte en verantwoordelikhede van ʼn direkteur van ʼn maatskappy. Artikel 75 van die Wet inkorporeer die bepalings van Artikel 234 van die vorige Maatskappywet (No. 63 van 1973), deur ʼn verpligting op ʼn direkteur te plaas om ʼn konflik van belange, hetsy direk of indirek, te openbaar.

In terme van Artikel 76(3), word daar uitdruklik bepaal dat wanneer ʼn direkteur in sy/haar hoedanigheid as sulks optree, sodanige optrede en uitvoering van funksies in goeie trou en vir ʼn behoorlike doel asook in die beste belang van die maatskappy moet geskied. ʼn Direkteur moet te alle tye met die nodige sorg, vaardigheid en noulettendheid optree wat redelikerwys verwag kan word van ʼn persoon met dieselfde funksie/s en algemene kennis, vaardigheid en ervaring van daardie direkteur.

Solvensie- en likiditeitstoetse

In Artikel 22 (1)(b) van die Wet, word maatskappye verbied om handel te dryf in insolvente omstandighede en in Artikel 4 van die Wet word die vereistes vir die uitvoer van ʼn solvensie- en likiditeitstoets, uiteengesit.

Waar direkteure nie gehoor gee aan die vereistes van die uitvoer van ʼn solvensie- en likiditeitstoets in gevolge die Wet nie, kan hulle persoonlik aanspreeklik gehou word vir enige skade en verliese gely deur die maatskappy (Artikel 77 (3)(e) van die Wet).

ʼn Solvensie- en likiditeitstoets moet in die volgende gevalle uitgevoer word:

  • die verskaffing van finansiële bystand aan derde partye in die verkryging van aandele in die maatskappy (Artikel 44 van die Wet);
  • lenings en enige ander finansiële bystand aan verwante partye, insluitend filiaalmaatskappye, houermaatskappye en direkteure van die maatskappy (Artikels 38 en 44 van die Wet);
  • dividende en enige ander distribusies aan aandeelhouers (Artikel 46 van die Wet);
  • as ʼn betaling plaasvind eerder as ʼn uitreiking van kapitalisasie-aandele (Artikel 47 van die Wet);
  • waar die maatskappy sy aandele terugkoop (Artikel 48 van die Wet); en
  • in die geval van ʼn amalgamasie of samesmelting met ʼn ander entiteit (Artikel 113 van die Wet).


Dit staan ʼn maatskappy of beslote korporasie vry om sy naam te verander indien hy so verkies.  Vir maatskappye sal die naamsverandering ʼn spesiale besluit tot gevolg hê wat deur die aandeelhouers van die maatskappy goedgekeur moet word, en in die geval van ʼn beslote korporasie, moet die lede van die beslote korporasie die naamsverandering goedkeur.

Voor die naam van die maatskappy of beslote korporasie verander kan word, moet voorgestelde name aan die CIPC voorgelê word vir goedkeuring. Daar kan vier opsies van moontlike name verskaf word aan die CIPC in die volgorde van voorkeur. Wanneer die CIPC tevrede is met ʼn voorgestelde naam, sal hulle dit vir die gebruik van die maatskappy of beslote korporasie reserveer vir ʼn tydperk van 6 maande.


Ingevolge Artikel 46 van die Wet, moet die direksie van die maatskappy die dividendverklaring goedkeur per skriftelike resolusie.  Die direkteure moet ook verklaar dat die solvensie- en likiditeitstoets toegepas is, soos vereis in Artikel 4 van die Wet, en dat hulle redelikerwys bevind het dat die maatskappy solvent en likied sal wees vir die 12 maande wat volg op die datum van die dividendverklaring.

Die dividend moet aan die aandeelhouers van die maatskappy uitbetaal word proporsioneel tot hulle aandeelhouding in die maatskappy, nadat die direksie die dividendbelasting in ag geneem en teruggehou het.  Die dividendbelasting is betaalbaar aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (“die SAID”) teen die laaste werksdag van die maand wat volg op die verklaring van die dividend.

Finansiële bystand

Die bepalings van Artikel 44 en Artikel 45 van die Wet gee aan  die direksie van ʼn maatskappy die mag om, om buiten tot die mate waartoe  ʼn maatskappy se Memorandum van Inkorporasie (“MOI”) anders bepaal, die maatskappy kan magtig om finansiële bystand te verleen. Finansiële bystand in hierdie konteks kan op een of meer van die volgende wyses geskied, naamlik:  deur ʼn lening, die gee van ʼn waarborg, die verskaffing van sekuriteit , die inskrywing vir enige opsie wat deur die maatskappy, ʼn verwante of onderling verwante maatskappy uitgereik is of gaan word.

Fundamentele transaksies

Transaksies wat die eiendomsreg van ʼn maatskappy se bates beïnvloed of wat ʼn verandering van ʼn maatskappy se aandeelhouding veroorsaak, word deur die Wet gereguleer. Hierdie tipe transaksies waarvoor daar bykomstige regulering deur die Wet voorsiening gemaak word, staan bekend as ‘fundamentele transaksies’ of ‘geaffekteerde transaksies’.

Artikel 117(1)(c) van die Wet omskryf ʼn geaffekteerde transaksie as:

  • ʼn transaksie of reeks transaksies wat neerkom op die vervreemding van die geheel of grootste deel van die bates of onderneming van ʼn gereguleerde maatskappy;
  • ʼn amalgamasie of samesmelting indien ten minste een gereguleerde maatskappy daarby betrokke is; en
  • ʼn reëlingskema tussen ʼn gereguleerde maatskappy en sy aandeelhouers.

Trust as lid van ʼn beslote korporasie

Gevolglik sal die volgende persone gemagtig wees om as lede van ʼn beslote korporasie te dien:

  • ʼn Natuurlike persoon
  • ʼn Natuurlike of regspersoon in sy/haar hoedanigheid as ʼn trustee van ʼn testamentêre of inter vivos trust wat as verteenwoordiger van daardie trust optree, behalwe indien:
    • die persoon ʼn begunstigde van die trust is;
    • die trustee ʼn regspersoon is, en direk of indirek beheer word deur enige van die begunstigdes van die trust; en
    • ʼn natuurlike of regspersoon in sy/haar verteenwoordigende kapasiteit, insolvent, oorlede, verstandelik gestremd of andersins onbevoegd is om sy/haar eie sake te bestuur, ʼn trustee van sy/haar eie boedel is of ʼn administrateur, eksekuteur of kurator van sodanige boedel is.

Pariwaarde- en nie-pariwaarde-aandele

Regulasie 31 van die Wet bepaal egter dat ʼn vooraf geïnkorporeerde maatskappy nie enige nuwe pariwaarde-aandele ná 1 Mei 2011 mag magtig nie, maar wel nog van hierdie aandele mag uitreik indien daar reeds aandele in die spesifieke klas uitgereik is voor 1 Mei 2011 en mits daar nog gemagtigde aandele in die spesifieke klas beskikbaar is vir uitreiking.

Indien ʼn vooraf geïnkorporeerde maatskappy nie in ʼn sekere klas aandele enige van die gemagtigde pariwaarde-aandele voor 1 Mei 2011 uitgereik het nie, mag die vooraf geïnkorporeerde maatskappy nie enige aandele van daardie klas uitreik ná 1 Mei 2011 nie. In só ’n geval sal die vooraf geïnkorporeerde maatskappy daardie klas gemagtigde aandele eers moet omskep in aandele sonder pariwaarde deur middel van die MOI van die vooraf geïnkorporeerde maatskappy te wysig, waarna verdere uitreiking van daardie klas aandele sal kan plaasvind.

Hierdie artikel is ‘n algemene inligtingstuk en moet nie gebruik word of op staatgemaak word as regs- of ander professionele advies nie. Geen aanspreeklikheid kan aanvaar word vir enige foute of weglatings of vir enige verlies of skade voortspruitend uit vertroue geplaas op inligting hierin vervat nie. Behoudens foute en weglatings (BFW).

Courtney is an admitted attorney of the High Court of South Africa having achieved admission in 2024. He holds an LLB degree from the University of South Africa, awarded in 2022.

After the completion of his articles of clerkship, he subsequently joined the firm of van Wyk van Heerden attorneys at their Cape Town Office, where he specializes in Civil and Commercial Litigation and Family Law.

Courtney is passionate about service excellence, prioritizes the needs of clients and is driven by delivering impactful, results-orientated outcomes.

Michelle studied at the University of Stellenbosch where she obtained her BCom Law degree in 2015 and her LLB degree in 2017. After finishing her studies, she completed her articles at a law firm situated in Somerset West where she obtained experience in General Litigation and Family Law. She was admitted as an attorney of the High Court in February 2020 and further obtained her Right of High Court Appearance during 2023.

Michelle joined our team during 2024 as an associate attorney in the litigation department.

Bianca obtained her LLB degree from the University of Pretoria in 2013. She was admitted as an Attorney of the High Court in 2016 and subsequent as a Conveyancer in 2018. She specializes in the drafting of contracts, conveyancing and all other property related matters. She is dedicated to excellent service and good client relations.

Danie began his law career in Pretoria, Gauteng, where he opened his own law firm in 1994. Through Danie’s knowledge of the world of media and entertainment his clientele extends to music artists, celebrities, television, and film production houses. In 2000 Danie founded the firm West & Rossouw with colleague Sharon West in the Cape Town Southern Suburbs until March 2024 when Danie accepted an appointment to relocate to the fast growing Cape Winelands to join van Wyk van Heerden in their Paarl office. Danie has a strong interest in family law and High Court litigation, with vast experience in several jurisdictions and high-profile cases in the High Court, the Supreme Court of Appeal, and the Constitutional Court. Danie has been actively involved in the organized profession and served on the Cape Law Society and the Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) communication committees and several years as vice-president of the Cape Town Southern Suburbs Attorneys’ Association. During August of 2022, Danie was appointed by the Premier of the Western Cape, Alan Winde as the Western Cape Government’s representative on the Council of the Stellenbosch University.

Alicia obtained her LLB degree cum laude from the North-West University, Potchefstroom, in 2020. She commenced her articles during 2020 at Van Velden-Duffey Inc, situated in Rustenburg, where she acted as a candidate attorney in the civil litigation department.

Alicia was admitted as an Attorney of the High Court during early 2023, and currently practices as such in the litigation department of Van Wyk Van Heerden.

Maryna obtained her LLB Degree at the North West University, Potchefstroom. Originally from Clanwilliam, she went to school in Paarl at Paarl Gymnasium and returned to embark on her professional career at our firm. She joined our team in 2021 as an article clerk and was admitted as an Attorney during 2023. Maryna is currently appointed in our Estates Department in the Wellington Office.

Milton is a well organised Attorney passionate about offering multidisciplinary legal service, focusing on the best interest of his clients. He aims to provide impetus to the vision of creating new momentum in transforming the legal system. He values cost effective solutions on various matters of law, persist on a flexible approach and strive to allocate the necessary resources to satisfy his clients' needs.

Milton obtained his LLB degree in 2020 from the University of the North West. He was admitted as an attorney of the High Court of South Africa on 3 March 2023. He specializes in Civil and Commercial Litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Mediation, Contracts, Sports Law, Construction Disputes and Insolvency.

Anika obtained her LLB in 2020 from the University of Stellenbosch. She completed her articles at Van Wyk Van Heerden in 2022 and was admitted as an Attorney of the High Court at the beginning of 2023.

She currently practices in the Conveyancing Department where she assists estate agencies and developers, as well as marketing of the firm.

Gawie obtained his BComm and LLB Degrees at the University of Stellenbosch during 2009 and 2011 respectively. He completed his Master of Laws during 2017 in the Law of Trusts and completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning during 2019.

He joined the team at Becker Bergh & More Inc. for his articles in Upington during 2013 and worked at the firm for 9 years attending to litigation, conveyancing and commercial matters. He was admitted as Attorney and Notary Public during 2015 and as a Conveyancer during 2016.

Gawie was appointed in the Conveyancing and Commercial Departments of Van Wyk Van Heerden during 2022 in the Wellington Office, providing clients with expert advice on the structuring of transactions, the registration of Trusts as well as general Conveyancing.

Liesl graduated from the University of Stellenbosch with an LLB degree in 2005.  During University she developed a special interest in and passion for Family Law.  Due to the fact that Liesl specialised during her articles, she completed the Practical Legal Training Course presented by UNISA, in conjunction with her articles, which she commenced with Miller du Toit Cloete Inc in 2006.  She was admitted as an attorney of the Western Cape High Court, with Right of Appearance in 2007.

Liesl co-presented a paper titled “African Charter on the Rights of Children” at the London Metropolitan University Summer School in 2011 and received her Certificate of Completion in this regard.

Liesl commenced her articles at Miller du Toit Cloete Inc, under the guidance of Zenobia du Toit, in 2006 and went on to practise as a Senior Associate there for nearly 14 years. After moving to Paarl, she practised as a director of Family Law at Clark Cupido Attorneys.

Liesl joined Van Wyk Van Heerden Attorneys in April 2022, as head of their Family Law department.  She has practised exclusively in Family law and ancillary matters for 16 years.

Roeline specialises in Estate Administration. Roeline obtained her B.Com Law, LLB and LLM (Estate Law) degrees at North-West University in 2006, 2008 and 2010, respectively.
After she completed her articles in 2010, she joined a financial institution as an estate administrator.

She joined the team in 2022 and attends to all Estate matters.

Aleisha grew up in Durban and relocated to the Western Cape to attend the University of Stellenbosch where she completed a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Dynamics from 2011-2013. Thereafter she obtained her LLB degree through the University of the Free State with distinction from 2014-2017. She joined Van Wyk Van Heerden in 2018 as candidate attorney and gained experience in various fields of the law, with a special interest in Property Law and the Administration of Deceased Estates. After qualifying as an Attorney and Conveyancer during March 2020 Aleisha joined the team assisting in the Conveyancing and Estates Departments of the firm.

Gaynor obtained her LLB degree in 2012 from the University of Stellenbosch. She then completed her articles at a law firm in the North West Province where she gained experience in General Litigation, Family Law and Debt Collection. In 2016 she moved back to the Western Cape and finally joined the firm in November 2018 where she currently heads up the Debt Recovery Department.

Mariska obtained her Bachelor of Arts and LLB degree from Stellenbosch University in 2018 and 2020 respectively. She completed her Master of Laws, with a special interest in Children’s Rights, in 2021.

She commenced her articles at Van Wyk Van Heerden in 2022 and was admitted as an Attorney of the High Court at the start of 2024.

She currently practices in the Litigation Department where she assists with, inter alia, Magistrate Court litigation; Divorces; and Evictions.

Leonette completed her studies at the University of Pretoria and obtained her LLB degree in 2009. She practised in Rustenburg for 8 years and specialised in debt Recovery, debt review and related matters.

Leonette joined the firm in 2017 and manages all correspondent work.

Carla grew up in the Free State and decided to relocate to the Cape Winelands to study law at Stellenbosch University. She obtained her LLB degree in 2002 and furthered her studies at the University of Cape Town’s School for Legal Practice where she received the Dean’s award for the best student in Business Management and Administration.

She joined the litigation department at Van der Spuy & Partners as a candidate attorney where-after she decided to pursue a career in property and commercial law, specializing in sectional title schemes, security estates and developments, servitudes, subdivisions and consolidations as well as commercial contracting.

Carla heads up the Conveyancing Department of the firm and mainly assists estate agencies and developers and is actively involved in the marketing of the company.

Charl obtained his law degree at the North West University in 2008. And finalised his articles at Van Velden & Duffey Attorneys where after he practised at the same firm and became a director in 2014.

Charl was recruited by Van Wyk Van Heerden in 2017 to strengthen and assist our growing litigation department. He handles a wide range of litigation matters including company, family, insolvency, banking and delictual law.

"Quick, practical and commercial resolution is first priority"

Willem van Heerden is a Director at Van Wyk Van Heerden in the dispute resolution, litigation and mediation department. He specialises in contractual disputes, company law, shareholder issues, evictions, family law, banking law and insolvency law. He provides sound strategic advice and direction on all commercial and company issues.

He is an accredited commercial mediator as well as a business rescue practitioner.

He has encouraged the appropriate use of mediation in the resolution of all disputes.

He has acted for various international and cross border trade, transport, agricultural and construction companies. Willem has acted for major banks, insurance houses, leading retailers, property groups as well as high network of entrepreneurs and individuals. He serves as a trustee on a number of trusts.

Willem has written various articles and is a co-author of a published legal book on farm evictions.


  • BCom (Northwest University)
  • LLB (Northwest University)
  • Postgraduate Diploma (VRIJE University Amstelveen )
  • Admitted as an Attorney of the High Court of South Africa
  • Accredited Business Rescue Practitioner (University of South Africa)
  • Accredited Commercial Mediator

Nazlee Abrahams grew up in Paarl and obtained the degrees B.Sc. and LLB from the University of Stellenbosch in 1992 and 1997 respectively.

She commenced with her articles at Van Wyk Fouchee in 1998 and was admitted as an Attorney with right of appearance in the High Court in 2000 after which she consequently became a Director at the firm.

In October of 2002 she was admitted as Conveyancer and also Notary Public in 2006. She currently manages Bonds registrations in the Conveyancing Department and further specialises in family & marriage law, drafting of wills, administration of estates and all notarial work.

Nazlee makes a valuable contribution in pro-bono work when the opportunity arises and invests a considerable amount of time in community service. She also serves as the current Chairperson of the governing body of William Lloyd Primary.

Anville specialises in Property Law, General Commercial Law, Estate and Tax Planning, Administration of Deceased Estates and Trust Law. Through the years, he contributed to the community life in Paarl. He was a founding member of the Drakenstein Rotary Club in Paarl, founding member of the Paarl Attorneys Association, served as Captain, President and Chairman of the board of the Paarl Golf Club and has played a major role in establishing the Boschenmeer Golf and Country Estate.

Anville obtained his BA LLB degree at the University of Stellenbosch in 1974. He served his articles with Silberbauers Attorneys in Cape Town and joined Solomon Miller, Hymie Maisel and Willem Gaum in Paarl in May 1977.

He is an experienced and seasoned attorney who commenced his career in litigation and migrated into Commercial, Trust and Tax work. He obtained his post graduate diploma in Tax Law at the University of Cape Town, with distinction, in 1993.

Anville celebrated his 40th year in practice in 2017.