The importance of trustee meetings and minutes
Trustees should always act in good faith and in the best interest of the beneficiaries. One of the main duties of the trustees is to manage the trust efficiently which requires effective communication between all the related parties. An effective management system should be in place to ensure that the correct decision is made by taking into account the interest of […]
Paternity leave for men
From January 2019, working South African men are entitled to 10 days of paternity leave after the birth of their child. The Labour Amendment Act also includes provisions for 10 weeks of parental adoption leave if the baby is under the age of two years (this applies to only one of the parents) and surrogacy […]
Ethics – a rare commodity
“A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world” – Albert Camus Based on the recent events in South Africa, ethics should be a buzzword you are quite familiar with. South Africa, specifically the audit industry, has been rocked by two major scandals in the recent past, which was both caused by […]
Electronic signing of documentation
The commercial world is currently moving to greater levels of digitisation. Organisations are implementing automated and electronic solutions in an effort to improve efficiency and better the environmental footprint at the same time. The move to digitisation and electronic signatures prompted questions surrounding the legality of these documents. This article aims to highlight certain legal […]
Korporatiewe beheer – ’n Refleksie
Die einde van 2018 het aangebreek en soos met alles wat tot ʼn einde kom, kyk ons terug na dit wat verby is. Ons het dit dus goedgedink om ʼn kort opsomming vir u te gee van die belangrike onderwerpe wat gedurende die jaar aangeraak is. CIPC jaarlikse opgawes In terme van Artikel 33 van […]
Korporatiewe beheer: Aandele met pariwaarde en sonder pariwaarde
Ingevolge die Maatskappywet No 61 van 1973 (“die ou Wet”) kon die aandelekapitaal van ’n maatskappy in aandele met pariwaarde (hierdie aandele staan ook bekend as nominale waarde aandele) of aandele sonder pariwaarde verdeel word. Aandele met pariwaarde het ’n waarde-aanduiding gehad. Die Maatskappywet No 71 van 2008 (“die Wet”) het aandele met pariwaarde en […]