Flipping a property: Keep this in mind
During Season 4 of Modern Family, viewers sat in stitches watching as Cam and Claire tried their luck in house flipping, where a property is bought with the sole purpose of improving it and reselling it at a profit. Needless to say, things went wrong. What else would you expect from a sitcom? And what else would you expect from an episode titled “Flip Flop”? But maybe we can help […]
Casting the line in the right place
If you want to catch more fish, you cast a wider net. It’s simple logistics. But if we are talking about selling your property, the answer may be the exact opposite. While you do want the highest possible number of prospective buyers to see your property, you only want to catch one. The best way to catch the right fish may prove to be the casting of […]
Can your property rates be reduced during a disaster?
Drakenstein Municipal Policy In terms of Section 15 of the Municipal Property Rates Act 6 of 2004, a municipality may set out criteria in its rates policy in respect of reductions or exemptions to property rates levied on owners of properties who are temporarily without income[1] and owners of properties situated within an area affected […]
Moving out? What tenants need to do before moving out
We all know that moving can be stressful and time-consuming, but before you start packing your boxes, there are certain things that you need to keep in mind before move-in day. As stressful and time-consuming as moving might be, it can also be exciting as you are moving on to better and greater things. However, […]
Renting property under debt review
“I’ve been struggling to pay off my debt and to manage my finances. As a result, I am now under debt review. Can I still rent a property even though I am under debt review?” The answer, in short, is yes. The process of debt review is considered to be a saving grace for those […]
The requirements and benefits of a sole mandate
What is a sole mandate? When homeowners decide to sell their property and have chosen an estate agent/agency to market their property, they will be asked to sign a sole mandate with the said estate agent/agency. A sole mandate is given to only one agency and no other. This is different from an open mandate, […]
Before signing a lease
Tenants often take the signing of a lease agreement lightly and don’t read carefully through the terms and conditions. A proper lease agreement will ensure that both parties’ rights are protected. Landlords must ensure that they include all the necessary information in a lease agreement, while tenants must make sure that all the points discussed […]
First-time home buyer?
Buying a property is a rather big deal, which is why you should be sure that you are able to afford it before you end up running into debt. Owning your own home is a very rewarding experience, but there are usually some obstacles along the way. Follow the steps the below to be sure […]
The pros and cons of renting a property
One of the biggest dreams that most people have, is to one day own their own home. However, that is easier said than done. Dreams of owning big houses with backyards turned into renting small apartments. The choice between renting a property and buying a property is often a difficult decision to make. Renting a […]
What is a water use licences and what is it for?
According to The National Water Act 36 of 1998, owning land with any type of water resource does not give an automatic right to use the water. All water use is approved by the Department of Water and Sanitation by general authorization or by issuance of a licence to use the water upon application by […]