At Van Wyk Van Heerden we are firm believers of supporting charitable organizations and are therefore proud supporters of the Andrew Murray Children’s Home in Wellington, a registered Public Benefit Organization. We host a camp twice a year for certain age groups of the Children’s Home to get to know and spend quality time with the children which includes various fun activities and mentoring/leadership courses.
House Andrew Murray (‘HAM’) requires R2500.00 per child per month for basic needs. Join in the spirit of giving by donating towards any of the following:
- Therapy – R295 per child per month
- Transport – R139 per child per month
- Education – R209 per child per month
- Food – R25 per child per day
- Operational Costs – R1 082 per child per month
Banking Details:
REF: Project and Name
Send proof of payment to marketing@andrewmurray.org.za
The Ouboet project was initiated by Van Wyk Van Heerden Attorneys in 2015 and aims to provide boys and soon to be men from House Andrew Murray with fatherly figures by arranging weekend trips to connect and have fun.
The name Ouboet was chosen as the boys were provided with the opportunity to connect with an “older brother” to provide guidance and advice where necessary. Two trips filled with fun activities are planned annually which allows everyone to be at ease with each other to just enjoy a break-away from the home. Activities include going to the beach, paint ball, quad biking, helicopter trips, and many more adventures.
As time went on and our involvement at House Andrew Murray became more permanent, the focus broadened to further incorporate elements of skill development and identifying possible future career paths along with fun-filled weekends. This allowed us to involve girls as well as boys in the project. Leaders and potential leaders of the house now also attend the camps where we provide programs focusing primarily on leadership skills and development.
Our aim is to use this platform and our connections to provide future opportunities to these children while our mission remains to make sure they have fun while learning.
HAM Black Tie Dinner & Auction

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(Where parties are married, or in a relationship they must each complete a separate form)