Can I obtain financing if I don’t own immovable property as security?
The article gives a brief overview of what a notarial bond is, the requirements that need to be complied with to register a notarial bond and give tips regarding clauses that will prove to be useful in a notarial bond. It also deals with the situation where a debtor disposes of an asset listed in […]
When does prescription of a debt start?
When does prescription of a debt start? Debt does not last forever, after a period of time it prescribes and becomes invalid. Prescribed debt can be explained as old debt that has not been acknowledged over a period of three years. This means that a debt prescribes if: You have not acknowledged the debt in […]
Municipal debt invalid, the Constitutional Court has ruled
Municipal debt invalid, the Constitutional Court has ruled On 23 May 2017, the Constitutional Court heard an application for confirmation of an order of the High Court of South Africa, that declared section 118(3) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000, constitutionally invalid. On 29 August, in a ruling majority written by Justice Edwin […]